We made a £25,000 donation to R.A.B.I. in 2018 to support their work addressing mental health and well-being, as well as financial support for farmers.
Rob Harris Communications Manager Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution said:
"We’re grateful to Morrisons for the donation of £25,000, which directly helped farming families affected by last summer’s drought. Adverse weather is just one of the many uncertainties that can appear out of nowhere and disrupt the best laid plans of those in farming.
It’s often easy to forget that all of the food we eat has a human back story that begins in a field or on a farmyard. Sometimes, those personal journeys to deliver food from farm to supermarket can be extremely challenging. That’s why every pound entrusted to us really counts. It means we can proactively support those in need in our rural communities."
RABI is also part of three farming charities who work together under the umbrella of Farming Help to increase their reach and help those in need. It is designed to be a one-stop shop for financial or pastoral support and operates a confidential helpline - 03000 111999